Install the Messenger in a Next.js application

The <Messenger /> component renders a chat bubble which, when clicked, opens up a modal from which the users can contact you.

This is what the Messenger component looks like when it's open, with customization options provided:

The Messenger component

1. Get the API key

To get started, you need to get your API Key by going to your dashboard and navigating to your Settings > API Key page.

2. Install

To import the makkuro-nextjs package, run the following:

1 npm i @makkuro/makkuro-nextjs

3. Use the <Messenger /> component

Then, in your app/page.tsx (or any layout or page you wish to include it), you can use the <Messenger /> component like this, by replaching <YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY> with the public key you retrieved from the previous step:

1 2 3 import { Messenger } from '@makkuro/makkuro-nextjs' <Messenger publicKey='<YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY>' />

🎉 You should now be able to see the messenger render in your app!

The Messenger component just installed

You can see that it looks different from the first image, so let's customize it a bit.
You can have a look at the reference for the rest of the arguments or move to the next step.

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