Free during beta

Next-gen project management software

Discover a better way: more customer-focused than Linear, more affordable than ProductBoard, and easier to use than Intercom. Enjoy a seamless user experience with one unified tool.

What is the secret to building
world-class products?

Want to know the secret to building successful, world-class digital products like Netflix, Amazon, and Meta do?

It's listening to customer feedback, sharing it relentlessly with your team, and iterating on your product quickly.

Currently, most tools cover only one part of this feedback loop which leads to a broken internal experience, team silos, and information freezers.
And this bad experience affects our output: we release the wrong thing, we get delayed by handovers, and eventually get frustrated but become complacent with the fragmentation of our tools.

It's time for a new paradigmβ€”one that has been right in front of us all along.

Makkuro embraces the loop and brings all these tools into one.

Issue Tracker

A superior Issue Tracking experience

Informed by decades of experience.
Opinionated for building the right product.
Flexible when it comes to building the product right.
  • Plan and conquer your big goals effortlessly with Projects.
  • Provide essential context by integrating key feedback into tasks and projects.
  • Accelerate your progress and success with powerful sprints.
  • Customize layouts to your exact needs, from lists to Kanban boards.
  • Use Live Filters to find that needle in the haystack, super fast.
  • Tailor statuses and labels to streamline your unique workflows.
Help Desk

Delivering exceptional customer service

Receive instant notifications for every conversation.
View your customers' complete history: conversations, requested features, and projects addressing their needs.
Close the loop by informing them when their requests are met.
  • Stay in the loop with instant notifications for every new conversation.
  • Fit the tool to your needs by assigning custom workflows and labels.
  • Keep track of requests and provide updates by directly connecting conversations to tasks.

A powerful Messenger with unmatched DX

Installable in under 3 minutes.
Compatible with all frontends: React, Vue, Angular, Solid, VanillaJS.
  • Customize design, content, and notification sounds.
  • Integrates seamlessly with your auth system.
  • Add any content you want, from announcements to links.
Feedback Management

Providing context with feedback management

Stop being a human highlighter,
focus on talking to your customers and
connecting their feedback to your work.
  • Categorize feedback into themes and insights with custom labels.
  • Link your notes to tasks or projects seamlessly.
  • Manage, categorize, and search for customers and companies effortlessly.

Get more than your current tools

How big is your team?

4Β teammates

What is your Issue Tracking tool?

What is your Support tool?

What is your Feedback Management tool?

There's more to life than just money ;P

  • Inform your work with valuable customer feedback
  • Deliver exceptional customer service to your audience
  • Surprise your developers with a stellar Messenger DX

How can we help?

Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.